This cartoon is posted with the kind consent of a genius who is a regular contributer to the Fordak newsgroup (;topicseen#new)
This is his signature:
And here is his work.
Going back to look at this cartoon over and over - and laughing every time - I started wondering: Why does it work? What are the characteristics of a good cartoon? And I found the following answers by well-known artists:
Muhitin Koroghu
A cartoon which contains as few words as possible and be able to convey the message perfectly.
What makes a good cartoon?
Michael Leunig:
(A cartoon should) illuminate madness. You're pointing out what is primitive and primal in human activity, saying we're all apes underneath and our motivations are primal. The hypocrisy of some is that we like to think of ourselves as sophisticated and evolved, but we're still also driven by primal urges like greed and power. I think it needs a primal expression like drawing to point this out.
This is his signature:
And here is his work.
Going back to look at this cartoon over and over - and laughing every time - I started wondering: Why does it work? What are the characteristics of a good cartoon? And I found the following answers by well-known artists:
Muhitin Koroghu
A cartoon which contains as few words as possible and be able to convey the message perfectly.
Itmust be full of ideas and be simple.
It must have been drawn using a good technique.
It must be able to convey an idea very fast.
Some cartoonists are full of ideas but their works are busy.
The message of the cartoon must be conveyed at first glance.
It must have been drawn using a good technique.
It must be able to convey an idea very fast.
Some cartoonists are full of ideas but their works are busy.
The message of the cartoon must be conveyed at first glance.
'The essential characteristics of a good cartoon are wit, subtlety and good line work with some exaggerations and experimental work.
And last but not least:
Michael Leunig:
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