Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Coordinates 15 March 2011 07:14 UTC

vecherom nachala bistro spyskat vozdyx perednia sektsia tsentralnogo balona kachali vsiu noch
вечером начала бистро спыскат воздых передниа сектсиа тсентралного балона качали всиу ноч

Пожалуйста, может кто-то отправить в английском переводе? Спасибо.
Please could someone send in an English translation?  Thank you


Thanks guys for the translations you sent in. 

"In the evening malfunction was found out. Air quickly left forward section of the central cylinder. It was necessary to pump up all night long."
"At evening the bow section of central hull have air leak. Pumping on all night through"

 This one is "from the horse's mouth":
"after sunset saw air goes fast from front part of central ballon 12 hours pumping whole night"


  1. Konstantin Zherebtsov15/3/11 10:12

    In the evening malfunction was found out. Air quickly left forward section of the central cylinder. It was necessary to pump up all night long.

  2. Anonymous15/3/11 11:01

    vecherom nachala bistro spyskat vozdyx perednia sektsia tsentralnogo balona kachali vsiu noch
    At evening the bow section of central hull have air leak. Pumping on all night through
