Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"all ok no sharks no birds no ships"

Last night the team seemed to be in good spirits - perhaps getting a bit bored and who knows what mischief they could get up to then! 

The only item on the boat that needs attention is the front section of the central pontoon, which they said didn't look too good.  They will attend to this in the course of the day.  


  1. Anonymous15/3/11 08:36

    And what about the two helicopters and a submarine that attacked tiny nut???

    Mbozo http://gik.fordak.ru

  2. Oh, thereby hangs a tale, Mbozo!

  3. Anonymous15/3/11 09:17

    front section of the central pontoon didn't look too good! Wow! That else looks not too good?

  4. Anonymous, do you not have the courage to add your name to your message? Are you friend or foe to the team? Come show yourself please.

    If you are foe then stay away from this blog.

  5. Anonymous15/3/11 09:35

    Yes, Karin! I undestand.
    The guys were in good spirits. :-))))
    I know this public...


  6. You are sharp, Mbozo :)

    I will tell the whole story on the blog when my blood-pressure returns to normal.

  7. Anonymous15/3/11 10:43

    Sharp... This word has many different meanings in Russian. There are some difficulties with the translation.

    These are my friends, Karin, and we look forward to your story! Last night I saw your message in the forum http://gik.fordak.ru , and then it disappeared. So I thought - it was some kind of joke.


  8. Anonymous15/3/11 10:48

    (Message from 03/15/1911 9:17 was not my. Mbozo.)

  9. Hi Mbozo - I understood it wasn't you who sent the anonymous message. Thanks for confirming.

    About "sharp"


    I meant in the sense of "very quick", "clever", especially in picking up my meaning about them being up to mischief!

  10. Anonymous15/3/11 12:36

    :-)) Mbozo.
